
Breathwork & Meditation 

Meditation Techniques used

Certain intentional visualization techniques can increase your vibrational body's harmony, balance, and protection and increase the full vibrational power available to you. When you use all of the techniques listed below, you create a complete and balanced vibrational version of yourself. It’s important to know that if you want to use a slightly different visualization that works better for you, you certainly can, as the intention and the doing of the technique are the most important.

Power of Intention

Intention is one of the most powerful tools we have. Intentions are frequencies. When we imagine and focus on what we want, the frequencies flow and create as desired. You can use intentions before entering a meeting, coming home to your family, etc. You are the creator of your life, and using your intentions allows you to be the director of your life. The higher your vibrational frequency, the easier it is to create through intentions. The spiritual techniques below are intentions that you act upon.

Spiritual Balance - It’s essential to create harmony (balance) within you for each spiritual technique used in meditation. Before starting a meditation visualization technique, focus on your heart center, then begin your visualization technique, such as spiritual protection. Once you complete the spiritual protection visualization, bring your awareness back to your heart center. Your heart is the center of your YOUniverse, and it is essential to be in balance. 

Spiritual Sovereignty - This is important to use as you control your life. Using commands instead of asking is far more powerful. This may feel strange in the beginning, but it is essential. You have control over your life: no one else and no Spirits, Angels, Ascended Masters, God, etc. When commanding, say it respectfully, kindly, and confidently. An example to use in meditation is, ‘From my place of sovereignty, I command that the protective armor that surrounds me protects me from any negative energies, and so it is.’ You and your soul are far more powerful than you could comprehend. You are far more worthy than you could imagine. Own it.

Grounding with Gaia - This is a crucial element often excluded in meditations. Grounding and activating the bottom three chakras is critical for balance in your heart. Meditating only from the heart upwards to the cosmos creates an imbalance in you and your life. Begin all meditations by sending white roots from your heart center down and out your feet, through the earth’s crust to Gaia’s core. Send her love and appreciation of her beauty, her ecosystems, elements, food and water we consume, and her land we call home. In return, command respectfully with your sovereignty for light, wisdom, and grounding. Imagine these energies coming back up your roots and into your heart center. 

Chakra Clearing and Rejuvenation - With blocked chakras, energy does not flow well and can create imbalances. Each chakra governs a different energetic and emotional aspect of you. For a harmonious heart and energetic balance, chakras should be cleared regularly. Your Root Chakra (at the base of your spine) governs family and abundance and grounds you to feel safe and secure. Your Sacral Chakra (below your belly button) governs fun, freedom, creativity, flexibility, sex, pleasure, and money. Your Solar Plexus (upper abdomen) governs your strength, vitality, ego, willpower, stamina, and inner power. Your Heart Chakra governs love, balance, self-love, relationships, intimacy, devotion, attitude toward giving and receiving, empathy, and compassion. Your Throat Chakra governs truth, speech, and communication. Your Third Eye Chakra (just above the center of your eyebrows) governs intuition, insight, and spiritual guidance. Your Crown Chakra governs the brain, nervous system, and your connection to your higher self (soul) and source.

To clear each chakra, focus on them and imagine a mini tornado cleaning and learning. Once you have cleared each chakra, breathe in all the clearings, and blow out, sending the energies to Gaia for transmutation into love and light to replace the energies cleared,

Soul integration and retrieval - This refers to your soul's past and current experiences and wisdom in all lifetimes, timelines, galaxies, universes, and parallel realities. It’s important to integrate all of your soul’s wisdom and experience to allow a strong connection with all of your soul’s power, skills, talents, and attributes that serve your highest good in your current incarnation. Begin by saying, ‘From my place of sovereignty, I command a calling back of all my soul’s power, energy, wisdom, talents, and gifts from all lifetimes, from any timeline, past, present, and future, from any parallel dimensions and realities, from any galaxies, and any universes.’

Spiritual Protection - This is one of the most important things you should do as you increase your vibration. If you have little time to meditate, this should always be part of your meditation routine. I cannot stress this enough. Dark energies are out there and do not serve your highest good. They are everywhere, especially when you go out in the world. It’s like locking your car. It’s basic spiritual hygiene. It’s quick and very simple. Imagine you wrapping your body in a metallic suit of armor, then fully sealing it. Then, say, “With my sovereignty, I command this armor to protect me from any negative energies, any negative energies that try to attach to me, and any collective energies that do not serve my highest good, and the highest good of all, and so it is.”

I Am Presence - This sets your intention for what attributes and energies you wish to embody. Intention is very powerful, and by including ‘I Am’ statements, you are invoking those energies to be present in your life. E.g. I Am worthy, I Am harmonious, I Am protected, I Am playful, and I Am powerful, I Am abundant, etc.

Column of Light -  From the central sun of the universe. Imagine a bright white shimmering light bolt entering the Milky Way, past the sun, and entering your crown, filling your body full of bright shimmering light. It brings love, wisdom, upgrades, and intelligence into every cell in your body. The light passes through your body down to the core of Gaia, then love and light out to the earth's surface in every direction, through the ocean, over the land, through every animal and human, and into the universe.

Infinity Loop of Light - Imagine a figure 8, or an infinity loop with the loop crosses over is in your heart, the top of the loop goes through God Source, the Grand Central Sun of the universe, and the bottom part of the loop goes through Mother Earth’s core. Imagine the flow of light moving through and around. This cleanses your energetic body, harmonizes your heart, and charges you full of light and love source energies.

Inner Healing Work - After some time meditating in stillness, you may feel called to address past traumas, heal your inner child, or address any belief systems that do not serve your highest good. Follow your intuition, as you are highly connected at this point. Trust, let go, and surrender to it. 

The Power of Toning - Toning is like the omm in Buddhist meditations. Tones bring in a higher vibration and, with intention, amplify the mediation significantly - this is highly underestimated how powerful this technique truly is. It feels weird initially, but you will come to enjoy them. There are many tones you can use. The root (base) chakra is typically the deepest tone, with the crown being the highest pitched tone. Commonly used tones are the vowel sounds A, E, I, O, and U. Also, you may use intuition to determine what feels right. With intention, you can use tones for each visualization technique of your meditation to amplify the power and effectiveness of each technique. Humming works great, too. 

Mantras such as Wahe Guru (Wa-He-Gu-Ru) repeated are very similar and particularly powerful. You may choose to use toning however you see fit in your meditation.

Anchor Points- To help the mind stay still after completing the meditation visualization techniques, you can focus on various areas, such as your heart center, your breath, your third eye, or my favorite, vibrating body parts, such as your fingers. I recommend doing this for at least 10 minutes; however, the longer you can go, the more influential the meditation will be, as this allows a closer connection to your higher self (soul). The more you connect with your higher self, the more you can trust those thoughts that pop into your mind and take action on those ideas without question.

YouTube - Ascension Breathwork & Meditation

Shortly, I will create several YouTube videos with this Ascension Breathwork and Meditation™. I will make them at different lengths so you can choose how long you wish to practice. Hopefully, these can be integrated into your daily practice to increase your vibrational frequency. Please sign up for my newsletter (below) so you know when the YouTube videos go live. Additionally, follow me on Instagram for content and upcoming events.

Instagram: @ascension_base

To watch prerecorded Ascension Breathwork & Meditation, go to my YouTube channel.

YouTube: @AscensionBase

Ascension Breathwork & Meditation™ practice is a creation of mine that combines many spiritual practices. In time, I refined the practice to work harmoniously with each other. This powerful combination of breathwork and meditation allows for a profoundly deep meditative experience and boosts your vibrational frequency. I love this combination because the breathwork makes it far easier to meditate. I often find it challenging to get my mind still and centered without breathwork, especially first thing in the morning. I practice Ascension Breathwork & Meditation™ each morning before the kids get up. Initially, it can be hard to get going with breathwork, but once up and running, it feels fantastic. I encourage you to add Ascension Breathwork & Meditation to your daily routine.

What to expect

To begin, we prepare your body to absorb more light and oxygen through breathwork, allowing for a heightened meditational experience. The guided meditation takes you through various meditational practices such as grounding, chakra cleansing, I Am presence, spiritual protection, soul integration, and source light injection.

You may experience high vibrations in your body, especially in your arms and hands. This is very common. There may be periods where you feel you can go hard and fast with breathwork and times when you need to slow down a little. It’s essential to listen to what your body needs, even when I may be encouraging you to work a little harder. You may experience some lightheadedness. Just ease off the pace until you feel it’s under control.

Many people who have experienced my Ascension Breathwork & Meditation™ class have shared with me that they experienced extremely high vibrations, out-of-body experiences, hallucinations, powerful insights, the release of emotional pain, connection with the spirit world, and even feeling orgasmic. Who knows what you may experience? All I hope it is exactly what you need.

what is ascension

breathwork & meditation?

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is the practice of intentionally focusing on and channeling the breath. It can involve changing your breathing pattern in a conscious and systematic way. Breathwork has been used in Eastern medicine practices for thousands of years to calm the mind and body.

Benefits of Breathwork. 

  • Increased energy.

  • Better sleep.

  • Reduced stress levels.

  • Heightened focus and determination.

  • Increased willpower.

  • Stronger immune system.

  • Calms the nervous system.

  • Alkalizes your body

  • Rapidly increases high vibrational frequencies

  • Forces negative energies and emotions to be released

  • Creates an ideal high vibrational state for meditation

Breathwork Technique

I offer a breathwork technique loosely based on the Wim Hof Method. We circulate continuous full breaths in and out of the mouth for 8 minutes, then let out all the air, hold for as long as possible, take in a deep breath, perform a Kundalini breath hold, and repeat three to four times. 

Kundalini Breath Hold

At the end of each round, we do a kundalini breath hold to encourage the release of DMT, the spirit molecule from the pineal gland known as the Third Eye. If DMT is released, it allows for a far deeper meditational experience. To perform a Kundalini breath hold, take a deep breath in, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles in, and imagine squeezing all your muscles up to the top of your crown. Just like squeezing a tube of toothpaste from the bottom up to the crown. Doing this puts pressure on the spinal fluid to push up to the pineal gland as the spinal fluid is connected to the pineal gland. The pressure can encourage the release of DMT.

Getting Started with Breathwork

I often recommend downloading the Wim Hof Method app to get a feel for my style of breathwork. The app is excellent and easy to use. Set the breaths to 60 and the speed of breath to slow. I recommend doing four or more rounds. Remember to listen to your body. The more you do breathwork, the easier it gets.

Follow me on Instagram @ascension_base and sign up for my newsletter below for upcoming events and information.